Website Content and Info

The following is a list of possible content to put on your website.  None of these are mandatory, but hopefully they make your website more valuable to you and those viewing it.  This is your site and you can have it customized to include what you want, this is simply a start.

The Basics

  • Company/Organization Information
    • Name of Company/Organization
    • Address
    • Phone Number
    • Hours of Operation
  • Services – What You Do
    • Description of Services
    • What you offer
    • Examples of products
    • Portfolio
    • Testimonials
  • Images
    • Logos
    • Building
    • Staff
    • Examples of products or services
  • About Us Page – Who You Are
    • Typically in paragraph form containing a history of the business or organization including any of the following:
      • Start date of Business/Organization
      • Progress and/or changes made
      • Location
      • Services offered
    • Contact Us Page
      • Email address to send contact us submissions to
    • Legal
      • Terms of Service
      • Privacy Policy


  • Social Links
    • Links to your business social media outlets
      • Your Business Facebook Page
      • Linkedin
      • Business YouTube Videos
    • Videos
      • Any videos of services or products etc.
    • Related Information
      • Tips, Tricks, Resources, or Articles that relate to your business or organization.
    • Newsletter
      • A Copy of your newsletter if you have one.
      • We can also set up a sign up for an electronic newsletter.
    • Staff
      • Staff Bios
        • Description and/or images of current staff
          • Background
          • Education/Degrees
          • Job Descriptions
        • If looking to hire put your job descriptions on your site.
      • Other Information


Basic Setup:

  1. Are there any specific pages you would like to include on your website? ; For example: about us, contact us, history, company profile, pictures, etc
  2. Do you have hosting set up for your website? If so which company and any additional info on it would be greatly appreciated. If not I can send you some recommendations and offer some hosting myself.
  3. Have you purchased the domains for your website (ie the .coms, .org, etc)?
  4. Do you belong to any social networks or plan to belong to any social networks? (Ex. Facebook, linked -in, twitter, etc)
  5. Do you have a logo, phrase, slogan, or saying that you want to represents your company?
  6. What is the email and contact information that you would like on your website? Do you want an address? Do you want your name (S) on the website?

Aesthetics and Design:

  1. If you could name a overall theme for your project… what would it be (I know this is general – but, Clean, dark, corporate, tech, web 2.0, grungy, soft and soothing, cheery , loud, etc)?
  2. Do you have a preferred font? Serrif, sans- serif, thick, fun, narrow?  Artist choice?
  3. Are there any Colors or color schemes you really like (Ex. “I love dark hues of blue,”)?


  1. Is there anything you have seen that you really like on other sites… For Example, “I really like it when websites have Flash Headers” – or “I really like websites that use great photography “
  2. If you can relate to another website, please send me the link. If possible please describe some things that you like about it.
  3. Should I not do something? I.E. “I really think it’s in bad taste when websites have…”
  4. Any other comments? Please write anything info you feel is important below (For example, “I need this up ASAP” or “I need a custom form for people to contact me” or anything you can imagine!